In order for us as believers in Christ to have the outflow of life, that is, for life to be released from our spirit, our outer man must be dealt with and broken. We are members of the Body of Christ, and just as the members of our human body all function in their […]
To have the Outflow of Life and to Minister Life, our Outer Man must be Broken
The Ministry of Life: we need to have a Surplus of Life to Minister Life to others

As believers in Christ who are becoming the reproduction of Christ as the tree of life, we have the ministry of life, and we can give life to others out of a surplus of life. On one hand, we eat the tree of life and partake of God as life, and on the other […]
God’s Economy has Become the Stewardship of God Given to All the Believers in Christ

There are many aspects to arriving at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. One of these aspects is that we need to carry out the stewardship of God to present every man full-grown in Christ (see Col. 1:24-29). Paul was entrusted by God with a ministry – […]
Ministering Life to the Body by Experiencing Christ in the Body and For the Body

We have seen that Christ lived a sacrificing life for producing new wine to cheer God and man, and that today we as His believers should live the same kind of life for God’s satisfaction and man’s joy. We need to live a sacrificing life today, and this life is in the Body and for […]
The Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to Dispense Himself into us

This is a fact that all the believers in Christ should know, treasure, enjoy, and benefit of in their daily Christian life: the Triune God has been processed and consummated to dispense Himself into our entire tripartite being (John 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11). This means that God became a man and He passed through a long […]
Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase

We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and […]
Enjoying God as the Fountain of Living Waters and Helping Others to also Drink Him

Today we need to first enjoy God as the fountain of living waters and then be one with the Lord to encourage and shepherd others to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters. The ministry of life encourages the saints, shepherds them, leads them, and guides them to one thing – to […]