In the Lord’s recovery today we need to pay our full attention to the mingled spirit, the Spirit mingled with our spirit, and we should live, act, and have our being in the spirit so that we can truly reign in life and build up the church as the Body of Christ consummating in […]
Paying Attention to the Mingled Spirit and Living and Walking According to the Spirit
Living in the Reality of the Body by Walking according to the Mingled Spirit

For us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ is to live in the mingled spirit, for the reality of the Body of Christ is in the mingled spirit, and for to live in the reality of the Body is to walk according to the mingled spirit. Hallelujah for our mingled spirit! […]
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ as the Mingling of God and Man

The Body of Christ is the mingling of God and man, and the way for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ is to be in the organic union with Christ in our mingled spirit. The Lord Jesus told us that He is the vine and we are the branches, so […]
Being Joined with others by and in the Holy Spirit with the Holding Power of the Divine Nature

When we look at how the boards and the uniting bars were made, put together, and functioning, we realize that in the Body of Christ we must be joined with others by the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit with the holding power of the divine nature. First of all, these boards were quite […]
Divine Life is in our Mingled Spirit: we need to Release our Spirit to Minister life

As believers in Christ and children of God, we have the eternal life of God in our mingled spirit: now we can experience life and minister life to other members of the Body of Christ. The divine life we have received through regeneration is the processed and consummated Triune God in Christ as the Spirit […]
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ, the Mingling of God with man

It is God’s mercy for us to see HOW does Christ build up the church as the temple of God, and to realize that He doesn’t need our “help” to build the church but He only needs that we LET Him build Himself into us to mingle Himself with us for the building up of […]
God’s Leading is in the Mingled Spirit and in the Church as we Judge what He Judges

As believers in Christ we are priests to God, and it is both our privilege and our responsibility to spend time with God to be filled and saturated with God, serve God, and enter into God’s presence to receive a fresh message and leading from God. The high priest entered into the Holy of Holies […]