For us to live a life of godliness in the church life for the expression of God in man, we need to exercise our spirit, that is, we need to set our mind on the spirit and therefore know the inner sense of life and peace, and we need to discern our spirit from […]
To Exercise our Spirit is to Set our Mind on the Spirit and Discern Spirit from Soul
God’s Move on the Earth today is in and through the Church with Christ as the Center

God’s move on the earth today is in the church and through the church, and the church has Christ as its center. Psa. 68 is a typological exposition of Num. 10:35-36, and it reveals Christ as the center of God’s move on the earth; today God is moving in man, and His move is to […]
I want to live according to the spirit! The Son of God is in my spirit! (2011 winter school)
We Christians, must reject our mind, emotions, and will, and take the Lord Jesus as our life! Amen! This doesn’t mean that we don’t need our emotions and will but that we need to put them under the control of the spirit! We need to turn to the Lord in every situation and He will show us the way – we will have a feeling. I’m so vulnerable if I don’t turn to the Lord… but I want to live according to the spirit! [sharing from a sister from Poland from her top enjoyment in the recent Winter School of Truth]
it is not good for God to be alone: He needs the church as His wife (sharing from the yp conference)
“The line of life in Genesis” it was a subject of the conference of the recent Young People’s conference in Lipowiek, Poland. Every book of Bible has its own outline – the outline of Genesis starts like this: “God created, Satan corrupted, man fell, and Jehovah promised to save.” Satan was perfectly beautiful, full of wisdom – […]
How do I know if I am in the flesh or in the spirit? Knowing the inner sense of life…
This has been a puzzling question to myself. Perhaps, most of us, though we’ve been in the church life for quite some time and have some growth and experience of the Lord, at some point we’re brought to a place of wondering in our being asking ourselves, “Am I in the flesh or in my […]