We need to keep our heart, guard our heart, with all vigilance, for from it come the issues of life; the fountain of life, the source and issues of life, spring out from our heart, so our heart needs to be dealt with. Our heart is so complicated because our heart has a lot of […]
We need to Guard our Heart above all because out of it are the Issues, the Flow of Life
Being Renewed in the Spirit of our Mind to have the Mind of Christ through the Cross

For us to be renewed in the spirit of our mind is inward and intrinsic, for it revolutionizes the way we think and perceive things, causing us to have the mind of Christ. What is this “the spirit of our mind” spoken of in Eph. 4:23? At the time of our regeneration, Christ as the […]
To Know Christ as the Pattern we need to Let this mind be in us, the Mind of Christ

If we would know Christ as the pattern, we should let the mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us; we need to let this mind be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus. This week we are focusing on, Knowing and Experiencing Christ as the Pattern, as seen mainly in Phil. 2:3-9. […]
Abiding in, Experiencing, and Living in the Inward Parts of Christ for the Body

The apostle Paul was a pattern of one who lived Christ in His inward parts, remaining in the inward parts of Christ and allowing Christ to remodel, reconstitute, and remake his inner being with Himself. Initially Paul was one who persecuted the church of God, the members of the Body of Christ, and the Bible […]
Our Mind, Emotion, and Will are Subjective Obstacles to God’s Life being Lived in us

It is wonderful to realize that we as believers in Christ have God’s life in us, but we need to realize that our very person is an obstacle for the living out of God’s life; our mind, emotion, and will are subjective obstacles to God’s life in us. Our Christian life is a matter of […]
Let us Experience Christ as our Crucified Life by Letting His Mind be in us Today

Although the Lord Jesus was equal with God and had the highest rank in the universe, He became a person on the lowest level of society – He became not only a man but He emptied Himself and humbled Himself to become a slave, being obedient to God and serving God and man, and died […]
Christ is the Slave of God Serving God and us out of Love: Let His Mind be in Us!

This week we are diving deeper into Exodus 21 and in particular in seeing Christ as the Slave of God and the believers as slaves of God and Christ Jesus in the church life. In Exo. 21:1-6 we see that, if a slave serves his master for a predetermined time, he can then go out […]