Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]
Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers
The Lord Jesus is the Unique Nazarite who enjoyed the Richest Grace and Sweetest Love

God’s desire is for all His people to be Nazarites, and the Lord Jesus is the unique Nazarite living in our spirit today! A Nazarite is a type of Christ in His living absolutely for God in His humanity by enjoying God as the richest grace and sweetest love to choose the good and reject […]
The Seven Spirits and the Seven Stars enable us to be Intensely Living and Shining

To the dead and dying church in Sardis the Lord introduces Himself as He who has the seven Spirits of God (to make the church intensely living) and the seven stars (to make the church intensely shining), as per Rev. 3:1. The seven Spirits of God are not yet another Spirit but the Spirit of […]
Christ Intercedes for us and Speaks to us to Mend us and Make us His Overcomers

What the Lord desires to gain today is His overcomers. He Himself is the leading overcomer: He overcame and the Father gave Him to sit with Him on the throne. Now He is in us as the leading Overcomer and He wants to produce us also as His overcomers in this age. The mending ministry […]
Christ in Revelation 1: Feet like Bronze, Loud Voice, and Holding 7 Stars in His Hand

The Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person in the universe, and throughout the Bible we see so many of His aspects and characteristics. When He was on the earth, His walk among men was full of life and light, and people were comfortable in His presence, enjoying His speaking, and benefiting from His works. […]
Being the Shining Stars in this Dark Age, the Messengers in the Churches

In Daniel 12:3 we see that, “Those who have insight will shine like the shining of the heavenly expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars, forever and ever.” In the beginning of the New Testament Christ was the shining star, but at the end in Revelation 2 we see that there […]
Hear and see, forget and stretch forward to gain Christ now: the King will desire your beauty!
Psalm 45 is a psalm about Christ – praising Christ as the King. In this psalm we see a direct praise of Christ as the King and also an indirect praise of Christ by the psalmist praising the queen (the wife of the king), the daughters of the kings, and the sons of the king(the overcoming saints in the church). As a human being, a man needs a wife and children to be complete; in the same way, Christ is not a bachelor – He is the King with the queen and all the children! To praise Christ in a complete way, we must say something about Himself, about His queen, and about His children. Christ’s glory is seen in Christ Himself in the Gospels, in the church in the Epistles, and in the overcomers in Revelation. Praise the Lord for Christ, the church, and the overcoming saints!