The meal offering typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living; by eating Christ as the meal offering, we can live because of Him and can live the same kind of life on earth as He did. Many times we read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and we are so impressed […]
Eating Jesus to live a Christian Life as a Duplication of Christ’s God-man Living
Christ’s Humanity bears the Aroma of His Resurrection – He lived a Crucified Life

The humanity of Christ bears the aroma of His resurrection, for He lived a crucified life to express God. Christ’s Spirit-filled and resurrection-saturated living was a satisfying fragrance to God, and Christ always lived a life under the cross, being “seasoned with salt” for man and God to enjoy and be supplied. May we […]
The Law of the Meal Offering: Holy Priests Eat Christ with God in the Church life

In Lev. 6:14-23 we see the law of the meal offering, which actually corresponds to the law of the Spirit of life, showing us that in the enjoyment of Christ we should not be lawless but should be regulated by the law of life. The laws of the offerings are ordinances and regulations regarding our […]
Eating the Lord’s Humanity for our Life to be a Duplication of Christ’s God-man Living

The meal offering typifies first Christ in His God-man living, and it also typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living, for when we eat the human life and living of Jesus, His human living becomes ours. We praise the Lord for coming to be the reality of all the offerings, and […]
The Meal Offering Typifies Christ in His God-man Living – He’s God Mingled with Man

This week in our morning revival we are getting into the vision and enjoyment of the meal offering, and in particular today we want to see how the meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living. All the offerings are types of Christ as the One who not only bridges the gap between us and […]
Being Brought to the Throne by Experiencing the Humanity of Jesus with its Virtues

God’s desire is not only to save us from eternal perdition but to bring us to the throne; for us to be brought to the throne, we need to experience the humanity of Jesus with its virtues, and we need to reign in life. God’s goal is to bring us to the throne; His desire […]
The Church in Thyatira Prefigures the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostate Church

This week in our prayerful study of how to return to the orthodoxy of the church we come to the Lord’s word to the church in Thyatira, which is a sign prefiguring the Roman Catholic Church which was formed as the apostate church. Even though we are not here to make an exposition of Revelation […]