There is great joy and rejoicing in heaven when the material and religious Babylon is judged and fallen, and much Hallelujah is being released in the universe when God judges this evil consummation of all that Satan has done and is doing in the universe! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! And once God judges the religious Babylon […]
Hallelujah, God will Judge and Destroy the Material and Religious Babylon! Amen!
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, longings, morning revival, the Christian Life, the Lord's return, the Word of God Tagged With: come out of Babylon, Crystallization Study of Jeremiah, God will judge the great Babylon, holy word for morning revival, judge any Babylonian element, material and religious Babylon, saved from confusion, the great Babylon, the material Babylon, the religious Babylon, the Roman empire, Witness Lee
Seeing how God Hates Babylon and how He will Judge the Religious and Material Babylon

The final judgement on the nations around Israel in Jeremiah is God’s judgement on Babylon (see chs. 50-51); God hates Babylon, He will utterly destroy the material Babylon and the religious Babylon, and when Babylon the Great is fallen, there’s a universal Hallelujah! As described in the Bible, the world consists of two main stages: […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Lord's return, the Word of God Tagged With: apostate Catholic Church, Babel and Babylon, come out of Babylon, Come out of her My people, Crystallization Study of Jeremiah, God hates the Great Babylon, holy word for morning revival, the Catholic Church is Babylon, the material Babylon, the religious Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church, the two babylons, Witness Lee