When we love the Lord, He will manifest Himself to us, and He and the Father will come and make an abode with us; we need to love the Lord and be saved to the uttermost to have His manifestation to us again and again, even all the time. As believers in Christ, it […]
Being a Lover of the Lord and having His Manifestation to us, His Present Presence
Our Environment Cooperates with the Spirit to have the Resurrected Christ Living in us

To live with the Divine Trinity is to have the resurrected Christ living in us; in our Christian life, we are under the killing of Christ’s death by the indwelling Spirit and through our outward environment so that we may experience the Spirit as the reality of the resurrected Christ. Amen! This week in […]
Being Renewed in our Mind and Living in the Church to live in the Divine History

As we realize that there’s a divine history within the human history, we need to consider whether we live only in the human history or also in the divine history; we live in the divine history by living in the church to be the enlargement of the manifestation of Christ. The divine history within human […]
The Divine History within the Human History is the Mystery of the Triune God in Humanity

We need to have a clear view of the divine history within the human history, realizing that the outward human history has a kernel, which is the mystery of the Triune God in humanity, the divine history within the human history. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Universal […]
Being in Spirit to Live Christ and be the New Man, Manifesting Christ on Earth

All the local churches in the different countries are one new man; therefore, we all need to practice the church life in the consciousness of the new man. It is actually shameful for the church in any locality to isolate itself from the other churches; whether consciously or unconsciously, we should not isolate ourselves but […]
Living in the Divine History by Living in the Church for the Manifestation of Christ

Behind the outward and seen human history there’s a divine history, the history of God in man; as believers in Christ we were born in the human history and we were reborn in the divine history, and we need to be those living in the divine history for the manifestation of Christ. The divine history […]
seeing the age we live in, what we are, and what our goal as believers is

As believers in Christ, we need to have a clear view concerning what age we live in, what is God doing today, what are we, what should we aspire to be, and what is our goal. We live in the age of grace, the last age, where God is still moving and He is accelerating […]