In order for us to know God’s economy, we need to see the spiritual things behind the physical things, the spiritual world behind the physical world, realising that there’s a spiritual struggle taking place behind the physical struggle. This is why, after God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He gave […]
We need to see that there’s a Spiritual Struggle: God’s Enemy is Fighting against Him
The Testimony of Jesus is the Great Multitude and the Bright Woman with her Man-child

In the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we see a revelation of Christ (the word of God) and the church (the testimony of Jesus). Regarding the church as the testimony of Jesus, in Revelation we see eight main aspects: the seven golden lampstands, the great multitude before the throne, the great […]
Practicing to Live by the Spirit as the Elementary Rule to be the Israel of God

God desires to get a group of people who express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion. For this, He created man in His own image and likeness (Gen. 1:26) and He prepares everything for man to take God in as the tree of life and live by Him. However, man fell, […]
The Church Must Engage in Spiritual Warfare to Bring in God’s Kingdom!

In Revelation 12 we see a great vision regarding what is taking place right now in the entire universe. There is a woman who is about to give birth to a manchild, and the dragon persecutes the woman and wants to eat her man-child baby about to be born. The church as God’s people today […]