The pillars of the temple were built of bronze, signifying God’s judgment; for us to be useful to God, we need to be constantly under God’s judgment living a life of trusting in God with no confidence in the flesh, even in the midst of complicated and intermixed situations. Amen! The materials for the […]
Live by Faith Trusting in God and be Constantly under God’s Judgment to be Pillars
Being under God’s Judgment and doing all things by God’s Grace to be Pillars in the Church Life

Those who are pillars in the church life are constantly under God’s judgment, realizing that they are men in the flesh, worthy of nothing but death and burial, and whatever they are, they are by the grace of God; in this way, they fight to redeem others’ birthright of Christ. This is based on the […]
Judging Ourselves as Nothing: we are what we are by the Grace of God for God’s Building

In our review and enjoyment of the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple, we have seen that both in the tabernacle and in the temple gold overlays wood, that is, God is mingled with man. The building of God, God’s temple, is a matter of God being mingled with man; God’s building is […]
the more we allow the Lord to measure, judge, test, and possess us, the deeper the flow becomes
Lord, may there be enough water in my being that one can swim in! When the flow increases to such an extent, there is no more human effort to go on in the flow – we are directed and guided by the flow of the river wherever it goes. No more human effort, human strength, or human struggle – we are carried along with the flow! [continue reading online]