For us to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return, we should not love the world or the things in the world, for if anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him; the world is an evil system arranged by Satan to distract us from Christ, but in Christ, we have […]
Not Loving the World nor the Things in the World but Loving God and Living in Spirit
Fleeing the Lusts of the Flesh and following the Inner Sense of the Lord’s Presence

We need to learn from the story of David to never go the way of the indulgence of the flesh but rather, pursue Christ with those who love Him, be safeguarded from the lusts of the flesh, and follow the inner sense of the Lord’s presence as we live the church life. On one […]
Beware of Indulging in the Lust of the Flesh and Coveting Wealth, and Taking God as our Husband

Gideon was one who joined himself to God and gained the victory for God, but later he indulged in the lust of the flesh, was not kind, and desired wealth, all of which led to worshipping idols and him being one with Satan, thus having a terrible ending. Oh, Lord! On one hand, Gideon was […]
We Escape the anti-God World System of Satan as we Run to the Triune God and His Word

As believers in Christ, we need to do the will of God in the kingdom of God; because the whole world is systematized by Satan to be an anti-God world system, we need to run to the Triune God and His word, and we need to flee the lust of the eyes, the lust of […]