Matthew 6 shows us the prayer the Lord teaches us to pray; this prayer begins with the Triune God and ends with the Triune God, and for us to pray in this way is to pray that the Triune God is prevailing on the earth as He is prevailing in the heavens. Amen! May […]
Pray in the Divine Dispensing that the Triune God is Prevailing on Earth as in Heaven
The Oneness of the Body of Christ is the Enlarged Oneness of the Divine Trinity

There are many wonderful aspects of the tabernacle in Exodus that are types of our Christian experience, and one of these is that the tabernacle typifies the oneness in the Triune God. Oneness in this universe is God Himself; only God is one, and the oneness in the Triune God is the unique and most […]
The Prayer that Expresses God’s Will according to the Pattern of the Lord’s Prayer
The Lord Jesus taught us in Matt. 6 a pattern of prayer – the prayer that expresses God’s will (see Matt. 6:9-15). The principle of prayer set forth by the Lord in this portion includes three basic prayers concerning God, three requests for our needs, and three reverent praises as extolling prayers; all these three […]
A Man of Prayer Prays Himself Into God to Receive the Life Supply from Him
![If we sense that our prayer is not bringing us into the Triune God, we should change the way we pray. We need to make sure that we pray ourselves into God! Remove all distractions and focus only on Him. Just be honest with God, tell Him, ask Him, seek Him, and knock on His door. [Picture: Matt. 6:9-10]](
The Lord Jesus taught us how to pray in Luke 11:1-13, where we see that for us to be men of prayer we need to pray ourselves into God to receive the life supply from the Father. The more we pray the Lord’s prayer with an exercised spirit, and the more we pray according to […]
the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer concerning glorification in John 17

The Lord’s prayer in John 17 is the highest and the deepest prayer in the Bible, and it is also very mysterious. He prayed for the Father to glorify Him that He may glorify the Father, and then later He prayed a lot about oneness – the oneness of the Triune God to be enlarged […]
the Lord’s prayer as a pattern of caring for God’s need and also for our need

The Lord’s prayer in Matt. 6:9-13 is a pattern of how we as the kingdom people should pray. This prayer is all-inclusive, taking care both of God, His name, His kingdom, His glory, His will, and also of our need. When we pray, we firstly take care of God and His interest, and then we […]