We need to see the vision of the excellent Christ, the One who appeared to Daniel in His supreme preciousness as a man, so that we may appreciate Him, be consoled, encouraged, and stabilized; this Christ must have the preeminence in us. What a wonderful Christ we have! He is wonderful, precious, and excellent; […]
See the Vision of the Excellent Christ in His Supreme Preciousness & Give Him the First Place
Let’s pray for the raising up of more job-dropping full-timers

Dear saints, let us pray that the Lord would raise up many more job-dropping full-timers for the spread of the Lord’s recovery and the Lord’s move on the earth (Rom. 12:1; Acts 13:1-3). The Lord’s recovery is in need of more full-time workers. Throughout the years in the United States, we did not promote this, […]
God’s Move in His Economy is to Deify Man to Bring in the New Man for God’s Expression

What a wonderful thing it is to see that God’s move in His economy is to deify man and bring forth the one new man for God’s expression and administration on the earth! Hallelujah! The following five weeks we are enjoying the Lord’s speaking on the matter of the world situation and the Lord’s move, […]
Being One with the Lord for His High and Awesome Move in His Economy on Earth

The wheels by the four living creatures were high and awesome; this means that, even though we may be small and not at all outstanding people, with us the move of God’s economy should be high and awesome. Furthermore, there should be a lot of sight in the church and among us, as we move […]