The Spirit of Jesus, whom Paul experienced in Acts 16:7, implies the Lord’s humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension; the Spirit of Jesus is the totality and the full realization of the all-inclusive Jesus. In Acts 16:7 Luke turns from the Holy Spirit (whom the apostles experienced in His forbidding them to go somewhere […]
The Spirit of Jesus is the Totality and Full Realization of the All-inclusive Jesus
In His Earthly Ministry the Lord Jesus Did the Work the Father Gave Him to Do

As those who aspire to work for God and with God in His economy for the building up of His Body, we need to consider the pattern of the Lord Jesus as He was working for God when He was on the earth. Even though we don’t see much in the Bible concerning His life […]
In His Human Living Christ Did the Work of Declaring God and Expressing Him

When He was on the earth, the Lord Jesus declared God in His human living. His work was to declare God, express God, and explain God to man. No one has ever seen God except the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father – and He has declared the Father to […]
With the Lord Jesus His Work was His Living: no Difference Between Life and Work

The living and the work that the Lord Jesus had on the earth is a pattern for all those who aspire to work for God and participate in the unique work in the Lord’s recovery. Many people have wondered, What did the Lord Jesus do for 30 years? He seemingly worked only for 3.5 years, […]