everything shall live where the river flows; we need to be absolute for the Lord and His recovery

If we see the flow, if we see God’s desire, if we see the Lord’s recovery, and if we taste of the sweet church life, yet we are not absolute for the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery, there’s a danger that we would be a swamp and a marsh. “Our stand concerning the church must be absolute. If you stand in a denomination, you should stand absolutely….If you stand on the ground of the church, you must stand absolutely. You should be either cold or hot, but you should not be lukewarm” (life-study of Ezekiel). [continue reading online]

the Lord’s measuring increases the flow of life: we are restricted and the life is flowing!

It seems that the more the Lord shines on us and measures us, the more inconvenient it is for us to do the things everyone else considers normal to do, and we are restricted by the divine life within us from many things. What we get is an increased supply, an increasing level in the river of grace. How much we need to be enlightened and measured by the Lord! [continue reading online]

the more we allow the Lord to measure, judge, test, and possess us, the deeper the flow becomes

Lord, may there be enough water in my being that one can swim in! When the flow increases to such an extent, there is no more human effort to go on in the flow – we are directed and guided by the flow of the river wherever it goes. No more human effort, human strength, or human struggle – we are carried along with the flow! [continue reading online]