The return of the children of Israel to the good land signs the return of Christians from division to the ground of the church, the ground of oneness, to build up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God. Amen! In His wisdom, God chose one place where to put […]
Christians Returning from Division to the Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness
Being today’s Zion, the Overcomers in the Church who Live in the Reality of the Body

Zion was the city of David, the centre of the city of Jerusalem, where the temple as God’s dwelling place was built; the overcomers as Zion are the reality of the Body of Christ and consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches – within the church life today there must […]
The Local Church must be a Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ in Oneness

The tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth, the church of God in the localities, whereas the temple signifies the church as the reality of the Body of Christ; we love the local churches as the precious procedure for us to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ as the glorious goal […]
When we Love the Lord and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life, we Shine as His Testimony

When we give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things and recover the loss of the first love, we enjoy Him as the tree of life and shine with Him to be the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus. Amen! Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life and life […]
Let us pray for the trainees to see and enter into the goal of the training (2)

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the high peak of today’s Zion—the overcomers—in today’s Jerusalem—the church (Psa. 48:2; Rev. 14:1; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 2:7; 12:11; Gal. 5:16a). Zion was the city of King David (2 Sam. 5:7), the […]
The Lord urgently needs the Reality of the Body of Christ Expressed in the Local Churches

The Lord urgently needs the reality of the Body of Christ expressed in the local churches so that He can return to rapture His bride. Today the Lord is recovering the building up of the Body of Christ, and for us to be in the proper recovery of the Lord is to know the Body, […]
The Unique Body of Christ is Expressed in Many Local Churches in the Divine Oneness

Christ has only one Body, which is the universal church, and a local church is an expression of the Body of Christ in a certain locality; the unique Body of Christ is expressed in many local churches in the divine oneness. Hallelujah! In regards to the truth concerning the church, it is twofold: there is […]