We need to have the truth wrought into our being, constituted into our being, so that we may be able to properly explain the truth in God’s word to bring others not merely a temporary inspiration but the solid truth for them to enjoy and experience Christ. When we speak of the truth, we […]
Pay the Price to have the Truth Wrought into us and Constituted into our Being
Our Greatest Need is to Get into the Truth and be Trained in the Divine Revelation

Our greatest need today is to get into the truth and be trained in the divine revelation so that we may be constituted with the truth. We thank the Lord for the Bible, the Word of God, which contains the divine truth; however, we need to see that we need to uphold the truth by […]
Being the Shining Stars in this Dark Age, the Messengers in the Churches

In Daniel 12:3 we see that, “Those who have insight will shine like the shining of the heavenly expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars, forever and ever.” In the beginning of the New Testament Christ was the shining star, but at the end in Revelation 2 we see that there […]
the Triune God in His Word infused into us is the truth that sets us free and sanctifies us!
We need to come to the written Word of God that we may get the living Word, the Rhema Word of God, infused into us. When the Word is mingled with the living Spirit in our spirit, we are sanctified with the essence of God. If we daily contact the Word of God in this way, God is added to us daily – and we are permeated with God and made one with Him!
The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel (ITERO 2011)
Praise the Lord for the recent ITERO in Holland! The main topic of the fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, held in Baarloo, Holland, is, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery. These four great pillars are Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. There is a book with the same name published by Living Stream Ministry (The Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel, Four Great Pillars in The Lord’s Recovery). This portion here is just a short enjoyment from this message, and is an attempt to bring more saints in the fellowship and collective enjoyment of the Lord’s up-to-date speaking.