Praise the Lord, Christ redeemed us out of the curse of the law, He Himself having become a curse on our behalf (Gal. 3:13). As those who are born of Adam, we all are sinners under the curse, for Adam through his one disobedience brought us all under the curse. What is this curse? We […]
Christ Redeemed us out of the Curse of the Law so that we may Enjoy the Blessing of God
The Law is the Living Word of God to Infuse His Substance into His Loving Seekers

Depending on the condition of our heart and our attitude toward it, the law of God is either something negative or something very positive to us. The people of Israel were brought by God to His mountain not to be given “a set of laws and commandments for them to obey in fear and respect […]
Loving God and Regarding the Law as His Living Word through which we Contact Him

How wonderful it is to see the law of God as the testimony of God revealing Him to His people and the living word of God to infuse His substance in His loving seekers! The law is the testimony of God, the expression of God, the “picture” of who God is to be the revelation […]
The Law is the Testimony of God, the Expression of God, the Revelation of who God is

Praise the Lord for the book of Exodus! Starting from this week for 11-12 weeks we will be enjoying the Holy Word for Morning Revival on the second part of Crystallization-Study of Exodus, which is focused on Exodus chs. 19-24 and a little of ch. 25. In our first study of Exodus we saw how […]
enjoying the many positive functions of the law as the word of God (Psalm 119)

When we read Psalm 119 carefully we realize how much the psalmist loved the word of God, the law, the precepts, the ordinances, and the commandments. Yes, on the one hand, the law of God / the word of God exposes us of our sin and preserves us unto Christ, but on the other hand, […]
what the Bible is to us depends on our attitude toward the Bible as God’s word

What is the Bible to you? What is the law of God to you when you read it? This morning I was very much helped to realize that what the Bible is to us depends on our attitude toward the Bible. Putting aside “coming to the Bible out of curiosity”, we have two main attitudes […]