The laver of bronze is the secret and the key for the operation of all the other furnishings in the tabernacle; if the priests did not first of all wash at the laver, they were not qualified to do anything in the tabernacle, and they could not offer any sacrifice. Spiritually speaking, the experience of […]
Being Washed by the Water in the Word to be the Bride of Christ, a Glorious Church
Daily Experiencing the Washing of Regeneration and the Renewing of the Holy Spirit

The laver of bronze, which was made of the bronze mirrors from the women who served at the entrance of the tabernacle, was an absolutely crucial furnishing for the operation of the tabernacle; before the priests could offer anything on the altar or enter into the tabernacle to minister to God, they had to wash […]
Spiritual Foot-Washing in Love is Necessary for Maintaining a Pleasant Fellowship

The reality of the laver of bronze is the Lord Jesus Christ: He is the One who can wash us from any earthly defilement, and He did wash His disciples feet in John 13. From John 3 to 12 the Lord Jesus presented Himself to the people as the reality of all the offerings: He […]
Experiencing the Washing of the Life-giving Spirit from any Earthly Defilement

In order for us to really appreciate and be able to enter into the reality of the laver of bronze, we first need to see its significance. Not many Bible expositors have spoken concerning how can we experience Christ as the Spirit, the reality of the bronze laver, but this item in the tabernacle is […]
The Secret of our Functioning as Priests is being Washed by the Life-Giving Spirit

The tabernacle with all its furnishings and utensils in the book of Exodus is a type of the experiences of Christ that we need for the building up of the church as the building of God, God’s habitation on earth. Christ is everything to God and man, and He is the reality of each and […]
The Laver of Bronze Exposes us and our Need to be Washed by the Life-Giving Spirit

The laver of bronze is one of the items in the tabernacle that is not that much spoken of, but it is an indispensable and vital piece of furnishing that is necessary to experience in order for us to have a proper Christian experience. In order for the priests to enter into the tabernacle and […]