Dear saints, let us pray for the full-time training at the beginning of the fall term, that the trainees would be built up in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity and would have a solid pursuit and progress in life (Eph. 4:15; Col. 1:28; Heb. 6:1a). Or, perfect, complete, mature. Perfect denotes […]
Let us pray for the trainees to be built up in Christ in the growth in life unto maturity
Our Mind, Emotion, and Will are Subjective Obstacles to God’s Life being Lived in us

It is wonderful to realize that we as believers in Christ have God’s life in us, but we need to realize that our very person is an obstacle for the living out of God’s life; our mind, emotion, and will are subjective obstacles to God’s life in us. Our Christian life is a matter of […]
Dealing with our Rebellion and Natural Capability through the Cross by the Spirit

The believers in Christ have God’s life in them, and this life wants to spread and increase; however, there are many obstacles to God’s life, such as our human concepts, hypocrisy, rebellion, and our natural capability. Almost everything inside us and outside us can be a problem to the divine life, hindering the flow, growth, […]
Obeying the Inner Feeling from the Spirit, God’s Living Word, as we Read the Bible

When Christ came, in Him was life, and the life was the light of the world; we as believers in Christ have Christ as life in us, and when we have the Lord’s living word within us, the inner feeling from the Spirit, we have God’s living word and we’re full of light and life. […]
Enjoy Christ as the Tree of Life by Loving Him with the First Love and by Eating Him

This week in our morning revival we focus on the topic of the Knowledge of life, and in particular today we want to see that Christ as life is the reality of the tree of life, and we need to eat Christ as the tree of life. We need to know life and the church, […]
allowing God’s life to be lived out of us and having an overflow of life

As believers in Christ, we have the life of God in us, and this life wants to be expressed through us and be lived out of us. Hallelujah, we have God’s life in us (Col. 3:4; Rom. 8:10)! We need God to open our eyes, though, to see that our natural man, our very person, […]