The Kingdom is the Reality of the Church; the Kingdom Life issues in the Church life

The reality of the church today is the kingdom of God, and apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life. We were once alienated from the life of God – we were alienated from God and His life, being outside of the kingdom of God. When we heard the gospel and believed […]

The Prayer that Expresses God’s Will according to the Pattern of the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord Jesus taught us in Matt. 6 a pattern of prayer – the prayer that expresses God’s will (see Matt. 6:9-15). The principle of prayer set forth by the Lord in this portion includes three basic prayers concerning God, three requests for our needs, and three reverent praises as extolling prayers; all these three […]

The Kingdom is the Reality of the Church: Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life

The New Jerusalem as the holy city of God with man, the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages and the fulfilment of His purpose for eternity, should be our experience as a foretaste today in the church life. The New Jerusalem is a city – the centre of the kingdom of God, the place […]

the all-inclusive Christ in Matthew: Christ is the Son of Man, the Baptizer, and the light of life!

What an all-inclusive Christ we have! In every book of the Bible, in every chapter, and even in every verse you can see Christ – He is all-inclusive! This morning we enjoyed three more aspects of Christ in the gospel of Matthew – Christ as the Son of Man, Christ as the Baptizer, and Christ […]