The kingdom is the reality of the church, and apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life; the reality of the kingdom of the heavens is the content of the church life. We need to see what is the relationship between the kingdom and the church. When the Lord Jesus came as […]
The Reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens is the Content of the Church Life today
We Do the Will of our Heavenly Father to Enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens
![The work of each will become manifest; for the day will declare [it,] because it is revealed by fire, and the fire itself will prove each one's work, of what sort it is. 1 Cor. 3:13](
In order for us to enter into the kingdom of the heavens, we need to not only call on the name of the Lord but even more, do the will of the heavenly Father, for it is possible for us to do things in God’s name yet not be approved by Him, for we do […]
We have Joy in the Holy Spirit by Living in the Kingdom and being Filled in Spirit

Our Triune God is a God of joy; God is our joy, Christ is our joy, and there is joy in the Holy Spirit, for God wants us to enjoy Him and He gives Himself to us to be our enjoyment in our spirit, soul, and body. Hallelujah, what a wonderful God we have! […]
The Kingdom of God is the Shining of the Lord Jesus, the Realization of what He Is

In Matt. 16:28-17:5 we see a miniature of the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the millennium; when we have the realization of the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, we have the kingdom, for the kingdom is the shining of the reality of the Lord Jesus! Amen! As believers in Christ, we […]
The Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of the Heavens
![...The kingdom of the world has become the [kingdom] of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. Rev. 11:15](
Praise the Lord, one day is coming when there will be a great, clear, and high call, The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever (Rev. 11:15)! We are all anxiously watching and waiting for this proclamation. Today the kingdom […]
Serving God by doing the Will of the Father and not being Workers of Lawlessness

Matt. 7:21-23 is a warning to all believers, for here we see that not everyone who says, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, and not everyone who does great works of power in the Lord’s name will enter into the kingdom of the heavens; only those who do the will of […]
We are Kingdom People on Earth to do the Father’s Will by Living according to His Nature

For us to enter into the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the coming age, we must be those who do the Father’s will in this age; as kingdom people, we are on earth to do the Father’s will. When it comes to knowing the will of God and doing the will of […]