The church life has a practical and tangible aspect to it like the meetings, the services, the arrangements, the blending, conferences, etc. But the church life also has an invisible aspect – the reality of the church life is the kingdom of God, a realm where we are ruled in love with life. Here we are under the heavenly ruling and restriction – and at the same time we have real freedom in love, with life, and under light. Praise the Lord, we can exercise our spirit and allow the divine life to rule in us in love under light – and we become part of the enlargement of the kingdom of God on earth, the church life! [read more online]
the church life today is the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, a delightful place
God desires that we would be recovered back to living under His direct rule in life
In us who are in the kingdom of God as a realm of life, the divine life should be able to move into our mind, our thinking, our imagination, our memory, our reasoning, our thoughts, our emotions (what is stored, buried, accumulated there? What anger, what feelings, what pains are suppressed there?). The river of water of life needs to go into every part so that it will bring life to our soul, until every part of our inner being would be alive with this river [continue reading online]
the church as the kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life
When the Lord Jesus came out to preach the gospel, He preached the gospel of the kingdom “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near” (Matt. 3:2). The intrinsic essence of the gospel is not for us to go to heaven but for God to have a kingdom of which we are part. The Lord Jesus told us to repent to be part of the kingdom of God. By repenting and believing into the Lord, we enter the kingdom of God as a realm of life [continue reading online]
God’s eternal purpose is fulfilled in Christ through the church as the house of God and the city of God
According to Genesis 1:26, God’s eternal purpose in creating the universe and creating man was for Him to have a corporate expression in man and to have His dominion over the whole earth through man. The first man – and all the other men following him – failed God, but God Himself came to be […]
various aspects of the church as the kingdom of God in Matthew, and the key to be in the kingdom
I was very impressed while watching message 8 of the video-training on the Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (1), entitled, The House and The City – God in Christ is enlarged to become the church as the house of God, and the church as the house of God needs to be enlarged to become the city […]
Crystallization Study of Psalms(1) – God’s system of grace and God’s system of government(message 2)
The second message from the Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1) is entitled the Revelation concerning Christ in God’s economy – and I was very much impressed with the two systems of God. There are two systems of God in the universe – two ways God relates to man and to His creation – which are […]
becoming genuine parts of the New Jerusalem by walking according to the golden divine nature in us
Before we were saved, we were “our own ruler”, and we did our best to live our life as we saw it fit or as we wanted to. But when we met the Lord Jesus, He as the King came into us with the divine kingdom! When we were under our own rule, we were […]