The life of God is the kingdom of God, and this life produces the church; the gospel brings in the divine life, which is the kingdom, and this divine life with its realm produces the church, where we live today. Hallelujah for the church and for the kingdom! This week we come to the topic […]
The Gospel Brings in the Life of God, the Kingdom of God, which Produces the Church
The Growing of Christ within us for the Body is the Coming of the Kingdom of God

We need to see that the growing of Christ within us for the Body and in the Body is the coming of the kingdom of God in us in a practical way today. As believers in Christ, we have the divine life in the organic union with the Lord, and we need to let the […]
Not being Past Feeling but Living by the Sense of Life and Death in our Spirit

As those regenerated by the Lord with His divine life, we believers in Christ have a sense of life, the feeling of the divine life in us, which is both the feeling of death and the feeling of life; may we be saved from being past feeling and live according to the consciousness of the […]
The Kingdom of God is the Totality of Christ as Life with All His Activities in us

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life; the kingdom of God is an organism constituted with God’s life as the realm for His ruling, and the kingdom of God is the totality of Christ as life with all His activities in us. Amen! This week we start a new morning revival […]
Being Glorified until the Lord is Transfigured in us at His Coming in His Kingdom

Praise the Lord, we are in the process of being glorified until the Lord is transfigured in us and His divinity saturates our humanity at the time of His coming in His kingdom! Hallelujah! At the time of the manifestation of the kingdom, our humanity will be glorified by the glorious divinity within us, for […]
The Kingdom of God is Christ Growing in us until He is Transfigured Within us
![And after six days Jesus took with [Him] Peter and James and John, and brought them up alone into a high mountain privately. And He was transfigured before them. Mark 9:2](
The kingdom of God is the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, for whenever the Lord Jesus is transfigured within us to be manifested through us, that is the kingdom of God coming in power (see Mark 9:1-2). Amen! God wants to bring in His kingdom on the earth, and the work of God today is […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ Issues in the Church as the Temple and City of God

The issue of our enjoying and experiencing Christ as the all-inclusive good land is the church as the house of God (the temple of God) and the city of God (the kingdom of God) for Him to have a corporate expression on earth and for Him to have dominion through the church. Amen! As those […]