The Spirit is operating in us and around us to deal with our outer man, our self, our natural disposition, by the killing element of the cross in the compound Spirit, by the discipline of the Holy Spirit, by the shining of Christ as the Spirit, and by the church life, fruit-bearing, and lamb-feeding. May […]
Deny the self and Apply the Killing Power of the Cross to our Natural Disposition under the Lord’s Shining
In Christ as the Soil are all the Riches we need to Grow in Life: Let us Absorb Him!

We have been rooted into Christ as the soil and in Him we have been made full; we simply need to take time to absorb Him as the all-inclusive land, and He will supply us, work in us, and carry out God’s purpose in us. In Col. 2:6-7 Paul tells us that we were rooted […]
the deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the life of a Christian

What is the deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the life of a Christian? Before today I didn’t really know it, but I knew one thing: it is NOT doing good and rejecting evil, and it is NOT self-endeavoring to do what the Bible says. The deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the […]
the environment cooperates with the Spirit to put our natural man to death

If we want to minister life, we need to know God as the God of resurrection. The life that we minister to others is nothing else but the resurrection life of Christ – we need to know, experience, and gain God as the God of resurrection (John 11:25; Rom. 4:17). Day by day our outer […]