We need to realize that Satan’s thought was injected into our soul to make it the self, and today we need to deny the self for the building up of the church. According to Matt. 16, the building up of the church depends on the shutting of the gates of Hades through the exercise of […]
Satan’s Thought was Injected in our Soul to make it the Self: we need to Deny the Self
Let us pray for the saints to see the need for both the fishing ministry and the mending ministry
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see the need for both the fishing ministry and the mending ministry—first the fishing ministry to bring people in, and then the mending ministry to keep them from falling out (Matt. 4:18-22; 16:19a; Rev. 21:2). Then after Peter brings people in, John follows with the mending […]
We Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake in this Age to Save our Soul in the Next age
We need to be those who lose our soul-life in this age, not allowing the soul to have its enjoyment in this age so that we may gain the full enjoyment in the next age. The church life today is the place where we can live the reality of the kingdom of God, for the […]
Being Willing to Take up our Cross and Bear it for the Building up of the Church
As believers in Christ, we need to learn to exercise the keys of the kingdom to lock up the gates of Hades and release the building up of the church; we need to learn to deny the self, take up our cross, and lose our soul life. If we do not exercise daily to deny […]
Exercising the Keys of the Kingdom to Lock the Gates of Hades and Build up the Church
We need to see from Matt. 16 the way to build up the church and the enemy of the building; we need to cooperate with the Lord to lock the gates of Hades for the church to be built up. This week we come to a new topic in the series, The Development of the […]
We Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life under the Authority of the Kingdom
The kingdom is the reality of the church, and for us to be built into the church we need to come under the authority of the kingdom, exercise the keys of the kingdom, and live the kingdom life in the church life. The Lord Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom; He didn’t proclaim […]
The Lord’s Way and Means of Spreading the Church Shatters our Natural Concepts
The book of Acts shows us the spreading of the church for the enlargement of Christ on earth, and at the same time it shatters our natural concepts, it shows God’s sovereignty, and the blending of all races and kinds of people in the church, the Lord’s testimony. The basic principle of the church is […]