On one hand, the church as the bride of Christ is beautiful, holy, and glorious for God’s satisfaction; on the other hand, the church as the bride must be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and for this, we need to pray-read the Word of God to be equipped with the sword of the […]
Being the Bride of Christ as a Warrior and having the Lord’s Joy as our Strength
Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake to Enter the Joy of the Lord at His Return

If we today lose our soul for the Lord’s sake, we will save it and gain it at the Lord’s return; at the Lord’s revelation, some believers will enter into the joy of the Lord while some will suffer in weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Bible is quite clear when it comes to […]
Being Faithful in using the Lord’s Gift by Caring for others to Minister Christ to them

We need to be faithful in using the Lord’s gift to the uttermost in caring for others to minister Christ to them. We all need to invest the talent the Lord gave us by taking care of others, being concerned for them, and dispensing Christ into them so that the Lord will find us as […]
The Word of God we Eat becomes the Gladness and Joy of our Heart: God is our Joy!

When we eat, digest, assimilate and are constituted with the Lord’s words, is word becomes to us the gladness and joy of our heart, for the Lord’s joy becomes our joy, and we have joy in the Holy Spirit. It is very important for us as believers in Christ to read the Bible, and our […]
Lord, restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit!
there is a connection here between the gladness of salvation and the willingness of spirit – when we are happy in the Lord and with the Lord, we also have a willing spirit! A willing spirit depends upon the joy of salvation – when we have the joy restored to us, we are happy and willing to go along with the Lord and do what He desires. We obey the Lord because we love Him and we are filled with the joy of our salvation!