It is very important to know that the One who firmly attached us with the other saints in the Body unto Christ and who has anointed us is God (2 Cor. 1:21). On the one hand, God is the One attaching us unto Christ, and on the other hand, He is the One who anoints […]
Do not Replace Christ with Anything else but Live According to the Inward Anointing
Not being Anti-Anointing or Antichrist but Enjoying the Triune God as the Anointing

Did you know that God is a divine and mystical “Painter”, and that He Himself has been processed and consummated to become the anointing with which He paints His believers to add His elements into them and make them His corporate expression? This is wonderful! In Exo. 30 we see the type of the compound […]
The Anointing: Eternal Life, the Word of Life, Jesus, Christ, the Father, and the Son

It is the Lord’s mercy and grace that today we are blessed with having a complete revelation of the “compound Spirit” which was revealed in type in Exo. 30 with the holy ointment and in reality in the New Testament, being called “the Spirit” (John 7:39; Rev. 22:17). The Triune God went through a long […]
The Triune God as the Anointing within is Teaching us Concerning Himself Subjectively

Praise the Lord, all the genuine believers in Christ have the anointing from the Holy One, and we all are being taught inwardly in a subjective way concerning the Triune God and His indwelling in us! In 1 John 2:27, after the Apostle John exposes who the antichrists were and what they say, we are […]
Being Painted by the Anointing Compound Spirit to have the Triune God Added to us

After seeing the type and experience of the holy anointing oil in Exodus 30 and the compound Spirit throughout the Bible, this week we come to the anointing of the compound Spirit – experiencing the anointing compound Spirit! Our entire Christian life is altogether a matter of the Spirit. If we don’t know God as the […]
the application of the heavenly “paint” brings us into the genuine oneness

It is the Lord’s mercy that we would see what real oneness in the Body of Christ is. The real oneness among the believers is not according to preference, taste, disposition, or culture, but it is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the believers. The oneness revealed in the whole New Testament is […]
Abiding in Christ by the teaching of the anointing and eating the hidden manna
The way for us to abide in Christ is according to the teaching of the anointing – the anointing teaches us all things, especially that we abide in Christ (1 John 2:27). Inwardly, we obey the teaching of the anointing, and outwardly, we must walk even as the Lord walked (1 John 2:6). All the believers in Christ have in them the compound Spirit, the consummated Spirit of the processed Triune God, and this Spirit is not static, passive, or silent. The Spirit in our spirit is continually anointing us, flowing in us – He is active, aggressive, moving, and working! [read more online]