For us to live a life of godliness in the church life for the expression of God in man, we need to exercise our spirit, that is, we need to set our mind on the spirit and therefore know the inner sense of life and peace, and we need to discern our spirit from […]
To Exercise our Spirit is to Set our Mind on the Spirit and Discern Spirit from Soul
Follow the Inner Sense of Life to Live in the Spirit and Not in the Natural Life

In order for us as believers in Christ to live according to the principle of life, we need to follow the inner sense of life; we need to pray ourselves into the sense of life and walk under its guiding and controlling every moment. At best, the people in the world walk by the […]
We Abide in the Triune God by Heeding the Teaching of the Anointing of the Triune God

We abide in the Triune God by means of the linking Spirit and according to the teaching of the anointing of the Triune God; the anointing is in us and teaches us everything, unveiling the Triune God to us, and leads us to abide in God. Hallelujah! The practical way for us to abide […]
We Live according to the Principle of Life by Following the Inner Sense of Life

As believers in Christ, we need to live according to the principle of the tree of life, which is the principle of life, not according to the principle of right or wrong; the way to do this is to follow the inner sense of life. If we see a vision of the tree of life […]