To maintain the oneness of the Spirit in the church life, we need to live a life in love, consider one another, and cooperate with the Lord to care in love for the saints who may be in sin, so that they may be recovered and restored. As priests to God and as part of […]
We Maintain the Oneness of the Spirit by Loving and Bearing one Another in the Church
Experience and Minister Christ as the Sin-Dealing Life to others for our Priesthood

For our consecration for the priesthood we need to enjoy Christ as the sin offering and minister Him as the sin-dealing life to the saints, thus bearing the iniquity of God’s people. Part of the consecration of the priests was that there was a bull offered as a sin offering, which signifies the richer and […]
enjoying and ministering Christ as the sin-dealing life to bear away the inquity of God’s people
It is only after we enjoy Christ as the sin-dealing life that we can also minister Him as such to others. In Leviticus the priests were to eat the sin offering in the holy place that they may make expiation for the people of Israel before Jehovah(Lev. 10:17). As we enjoy Christ as the sin-dealing life, we have an enlarged capacity to bear away the iniquity of God’s people – by learning to minister Christ to the dear saints who are in sin