The fact that Christ as the seed of David became the Son of God speaks of the process of our being designated the sons of God by resurrection; as we contact God in spirit and live in spirit, we are being sonized, designated the sons of God by the process of resurrection. Hallelujah! The Lord […]
We need to Remain in the Process of being Designated the Sons of God by Resurrection
The Spirit of Reality Constituted into our being brings us in the Reality of the Body

If we would be in the reality of the Body of Christ today we need to have the Spirit of reality constituted into our being, so that we may intrinsically and organically be in the reality of the Body. The secret to our Christian life is the Spirit with our spirit, and the secret to […]
The Lord’s Ultimate Recovery is His Ultimate Move to Recover Christ and the Church

We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation (how God arranged the world situation for the spreading of the gospel), God’s ultimate move (which is in man to have Christ as their life for the Body of Christ), and the Lord’s ultimate recovery. The world’s ultimate situation today involves the fact that […]
daily growing in the divine life by having the element of God being added to us
Whenever we feel weak in our spirit, our mind, or our body toward the things of God, we need to call on the name of the Lord. When we call on the Lord’s name we actually breathe in the divine life, which is Christ as the embodiment of God realized as the Spirit. When we call on the name of the Lord, the entire Triune God is added to us in the Spirit, and we grow with the element of God which is added to us. This is to know God and experience Him in the way of life, daily, even moment by moment. In this way, God grows in us daily – and our Christian life and growth is normal, healthy, and proper. [read more online a sharing inspired from today’s morning revival]
the processed Triune God has come into us and dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit
The Triune God is a mystery – we cannot understand with our limited human mind and understanding HOW CAN IT BE that God is One yet Three. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One, co-existing (existing at the same time) and co-inhering (existing in one another). This is a mystery… But what we know from the Bible, especially from Romans 8, is that the Spirit who indwells us brings the entire Triune God into us! What we have in us is a mystery – the Spirit dwells in us, Christ the Son is in us, and God the Father is in us – the entire Triune God is in us, being made real to us and applied to us by and as the Spirit! [read more online about the wonderful indwelling Spirit]