When Christ died as a man in the flesh on the cross, God condemned sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). I’m so full of appreciation and love for the Lord who didn’t give up on us, fallen sinful men. Even though Satan injected his evil nature into us and right now all human beings are […]
Christ Came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin and God Condemned Sin in the Flesh
We Realize that we are Sinful, we Take Christ as our Sin Offering, and we’re Subdued

As we fellowship with the Lord in a living, genuine, and loving way, He as light shines on us, and we realize that we are sinful and thus we take Christ as our sin offering. God has made a provision for us to come to Him and contact Him – the sacrifice of Jesus on […]
Christ was made Sin for us so that Sin might be Condemned and we have Eternal Life

Because of the fall of man, we are sinners, we have an indwelling sin, and we simply sin all the time, but Hallelujah, Christ was made sin for us in order that through His death on the cross sin might be condemned. We all need to realise that we are not merely flawed people who […]
We have the Indwelling Sin in our Nature and many times we even Sin without Intent

The third major offering in Leviticus is the sin offering – Christ is our sin offering, and sin here refers to the indwelling sin in our nature, for we are born in sin, and the evil nature of Satan is in us by birth. The word sin and the matter of sin bothers a lot […]