The humanity of Christ bears the aroma of His resurrection, for He lived a crucified life to express God. Christ’s Spirit-filled and resurrection-saturated living was a satisfying fragrance to God, and Christ always lived a life under the cross, being “seasoned with salt” for man and God to enjoy and be supplied. May we […]
Christ’s Humanity bears the Aroma of His Resurrection – He lived a Crucified Life
Enjoy the Fine, Balanced, and Perfect Humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit

We can enjoy the fine, balanced, and perfect humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit today. The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living, in particular the humanity of Jesus which is fine and balanced, and the Spirit of God as the oil being mingled with Christ’s humanity. Amen! This week in […]
Enjoy the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity as we Come forward to God in Christ

The spiritual interpretation and application of the Ark of the Testimony is deep and profound, for the acacia wood overlaid with God signifies the mingling of divinity with humanity which is strong in character and high in standard, and the lid of the ark signifies Christ as the meeting place of God and His […]
Being Blended in the Body Life and having the Humanity of Jesus for the Church life

In order for us to be a meal offering church life for God’s satisfaction and man’s supply, we need to be blended in the Body of Christ and have the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery. God and man are hungry. God is hungry for the God-man living of Christ being lived out in […]
We need to Experience the Spirit of Jesus to have the Humanity of Jesus for God’s building

The key for us to experience the humanity of Jesus for God’s building, that is, the secret for us to be Jesusly human for God to gain a corporate expression, is for us to experience the Spirit of Jesus. What God is after in this universe is a building, a corporate expression in humanity, and […]
Living out the Uplifted and Resurrected Humanity of Jesus for the Building of God

The unique material of God’s holy building is the humanity of Jesus: for God’s building, we need to be human not by our natural humanity but by the humanity of Jesus, the resurrected humanity, the uplifted humanity of Jesus. The way the Lord Jesus lived was like no other man on earth. He didn’t just […]
For God’s Building we need the Humanity of Jesus, His Human Life in Resurrection

The Lord Jesus is not only the Son of God but also the Son of Man, and as the Son of Man He is the unique material for God’s building; we need the humanity of Jesus for God’s building. God’s desire and intention is to obtain a building, which is the corporate expression of Himself […]