The history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a prefigure of the church history, giving us a full portrait of the course and situation of the church from the very beginning to the present time; today the Lord is enlarging the church life and making it more solid. […]
Seeing a Prefigure of the Church History in the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle
Looking to the Lord for a New Revival that will Turn this Age to the Age of the Kingdom

As believers in Christ who see what is in God’s heart and how He wants to end this age, we look to the Lord for a new revival that will turn this age from the age of the church to the age of the King with His kingdom. What we see happening in Judges […]
God’s Economy concerning the Church: how the History of Israel is a Type of the Church

The history of the children of Israel is a type of the church, and the whole Bible gives us the revelation of God’s economy concerning the church. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the matter of, Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God, in which we focus on […]
Having a Foretaste of the City with Twelve Gates – New Jerusalem – in the Church Life

Both Ezekiel and Revelation end with a city with twelve gates, which is Jerusalem (in Ezekiel) and the New Jerusalem (in Revelation). The result and consummation of what God has been doing with and in His people is a city with twelve gates – the city of Jerusalem, a type of the kingdom of God. […]
How the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle Prefigures the History of the Church

What God desires to obtain today is not only the local churches but the reality of the Body of Christ being lived out and expressed in the local churches all over the earth. What God desires is not merely the “tabernacle church life”, that is, the many local churches with many saints who enjoy the […]