We may have read the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth many times, but we may have never realized what is the hidden, intrinsic significance of these books; we may have never thought that we need to enjoy and gain Christ for Christ, and we need to take the good land and be the proper […]
Being the Overcomers who Gain Christ for Christ and bring Christ forth to Write God’s History
Being Renewed in our Mind and Living in the Church to live in the Divine History

As we realize that there’s a divine history within the human history, we need to consider whether we live only in the human history or also in the divine history; we live in the divine history by living in the church to be the enlargement of the manifestation of Christ. The divine history within human […]
The History of God in Man continues today in us: We’re Part of Christ’s Goings Forth

It is amazing to realize that the history of God in man continues today with us, for we are part of Christ’s goings forth from eternity into time! Our God is a living and moving God; He moved with men and among men in the Old Testament (this was His indirect move), and He moves […]
Living in the Divine History by Living in the Church for the Manifestation of Christ

Behind the outward and seen human history there’s a divine history, the history of God in man; as believers in Christ we were born in the human history and we were reborn in the divine history, and we need to be those living in the divine history for the manifestation of Christ. The divine history […]
Christ’s incarnation was the beginning of the history of God in man

We are so privileged to live in the New Testament age, the age of grace, where God’s history is IN man, in union with man. In the Old Testament God’s history with man was mainly outwardly, WITH man. You can even say that God’s history with man in the Old Testament was indirect, and was […]