The Government of God with His Judgment to Gain a Universe Filled with Righteousness

The subject of Peter’s Epistles is the government of God with His judgment, for in it we see how the judgment of God today begins from the house of God and how He desires to clear up and purify the whole universe to have a new universe filled with His righteousness for His delight. Amen! […]

See a Vision of God’s Sovereignty and Worship Him for His Sovereignty and Mercy

As believers in Christ, it is crucial for us to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and His mercy so that we may realize that He is the sovereign One working behind the scenes, He is the One above everything, in everything, and behind everything to show us mercy to make us vessels of mercy […]

Cooperating with God for Christ to be Preeminent through the Ruling of the Heavens

The heavens rule; God in heavens rules over all things for the purpose of making Christ preeminent and for accomplishing His economy, and we need to cooperate with Him by giving Christ the preeminence in all things under the ruling of the heavens. The Bible gives us a clear indication of what will happen at […]

God’s Intention in His Administration is to Give Christ the Preeminence in All Things

God’s intention in His administration is to give Christ the preeminence in all things, that is, to cause Christ to have the first place in everything (see Col. 1:15, 18). In Colossians Paul writes concerning this principle of Christ being preeminent; he says that Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of […]

The Seven Spirits of God Burn us and Refine us to Produce the Golden Lampstands

These days we have been getting into the matter of the golden lampstand – it’s significance, the type, the application, and what does it mean in our experience as Christians. We have seen that the lampstand in Exodus 25 typifies Christ, the lampstand in Zechariah 3 typifies the Spirit, and the seven lampstands in Revelation […]

Not Being Proud but Honoring God (in Whose Hand is our Breath) by Enjoying Him

In the book of Daniel, we see three crucial matters: God’s heavenly rule (the heavens rule!), the preeminence of Christ, and the destiny apportioned by God for His people (especially Israel). God has an economy, a plan, and in His economy, He administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose, which is to make Christ preeminent […]

Seeing a Vision of God and His Universal Dominion: God is on the Throne Today!

Because Daniel was a faithful servant of the Lord, absolute for God, a prayerful person, and victorious, he was positioned to receive vision upon vision from God. The visions he received were not concerning small things but concerning God and His economy, including the earthly nations, the destiny of Israel (God’s chosen people), and even […]