Even if our vision has not been fulfilled, we should speak according to the vision to others, for though it may seem like we’re in a “dungeon” by seeking the Lord, we have faith to speak the vision God gave us until He fulfils it in us and we graduate from the dungeon and […]
Speak the Vision God Gave us until we’re Released from Dungeon and Receive the Crown
Being those who are Walking in the Truth of the Heavenly Vision of God’s Economy

For the next eight or nine weeks we are enjoying a new topic called, The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today. These crucial points are: the recovery of the economy of God, the Triune God, the supreme preciousness of the all-inclusive Christ, the consummated Spirit, the eternal life, the recovery […]
Speaking the Heavenly Vision even while in the “Dungeon” on the Way to the Throne

Before Joseph entered into the fulfillment of his dreams, he had to go through a long period of time (12 years or more) of suffering, trials, and imprisonment. It seemed as if everything around him was not working together for his dreams to be fulfilled, but Joseph was still strong in faith and spoke his vision. […]
Having Boldness and Faith to Interpret Others’ Dreams and Speaking the Heavenly Vision

God gave Joseph two dreams when he was young, but these were not fulfilled until much later; however, even though his own dreams were not yet fulfilled, Joseph had the faith and the boldness to interpret the dreams of this two companions in prison (Gen. 40:8). If we had been Joseph, we would have probably […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Death and Natural Affection; They Bless Others with God!

Today the Lord needs Nazarites, those who are consecrated to Him for His purpose. All the believers in Christ are His priests, but they have failed Him in accomplishing His purpose. Therefore, God is looking for those who willingly consecrate themselves to Him, separating themselves unto Him and sanctifying themselves for His purpose. These have […]
Living in the Principle of the Nazarite by Overcoming Worldly Enjoyment and Rebellion

We are not our own: we belong to God, He has bought us with the high price of the death of His Son, and now it is an honor and a privilege for us to consecrate ourselves to the Lord to live to Him and no longer to ourselves (2 Cor. 5:15). All those who […]
God Desires that All His People be Nazarites Fully Separated and Sanctified unto God

A consecrated person is a Nazarite, one who voluntarily separates and sanctifies himself unto the Lord for His purpose. God has a provision for those who love Him and want to give themselves to Him for His purpose: even though you may not have been born of Aaron’s family in the tribe of Levi, you […]