In order for us to be preserved in the Lord’s genuine testimony today, we must guard the good deposit of the Lord’s healthy words through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and speak the healthy words of our Lord Jesus to minister life and grace to us. Amen! We thank and praise the Lord […]
Guard the Good Deposit of the Lord’s Healthy Words and Speak the Words of Grace
God’s Workmen cut Straight the Word of the Truth by Properly Unfolding God’s Economy

As God’s workmen, we need to cut straight the word of the truth, that is, unfold the word of God in its various parts rightly and straightly without any distortion; there’s a great need for the word of the truth to be rightly unfolder to enlighten the darkened people today. Amen! As we live in […]
Laying Hold on the Eternal Life and being in the Divine Truth to Overcome Degradation

Laying hold on the eternal life is the solution to the degradation in the church today, for without this eternal life and the divine truth in the Holy Scriptures, we believers in Christ are nothing and have nothing. Amen! As we live in the age of the degradation of the church, we believers in Christ […]
How to Conduct Ourselves in the House of God: Headship of Christ and Healthy Teaching

As believers in Christ, we know how to conduct ourselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God; we need to love the Word of God, respect the headship of Christ, bear the truth, take care of the healthy teaching, and live and act in our spirit so that […]
We Shepherd others by Teaching them in Love the Healthy Teaching of God’s Economy

Shepherding depends on teaching; for us to shepherd others, we need to be filled with the healthy teaching of God’s economy and teach others in a loving and caring way. In the church life, we are learning from the Lord Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, to shepherd one another. To shepherd is to render all-inclusive, […]
May we Humble Ourselves and Live before God to Continue in the Way of Philadelphia

The characteristic of the overcomers in Philadelphia is their brotherly love, for they have little power but keep the Lord’s word, do not deny His name, and love prevails among them so that they shepherd people according to God; we need to humble ourselves before God and love Him to the uttermost, not looking […]
Characteristics of the Unique Ministry of the New Testament, the Ministry of the Age

The Lord’s recovery brings us back to the unique ministry of the New Testament; this ministry has many wonderful characteristics, and the issue of being under such a ministry is that we are betrothed to the Lord Jesus, we are for the building up of the Body, we are sanctified, we function in our measure, […]