In Acts 4:10-12 Peter proclaimed Christ as the Stone-Savior; we need to preach the gospel of Christ as the Stone-Savior for God’s building. Our commission is not just to preach the gospel of grace for people to be saved and go to heaven…. Rather, as we see Peter doing, we need to know, enjoy, and […]
Preaching the Gospel of Christ as the Stone-Savior for the Church as God’s Building
as the cornerstone, Christ is the Savior and the building factor for God’s building

As we study the matter of Christ being the cornerstone more in depth we realize that everything that Christ has done on earth is so that He would become the cornerstone chosen and precious to God. God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive death on the cross, resurrected from the […]
Christ is the cornerstone building us up as living stones in God’s building

In Psalm 118 we see how Christ as the stone which the builders have rejected has become the head of the corner, even the chief cornerstone (Psa. 118:22). The thanksgiving of God’s elect for God’s goodness and the everlasting lovingkindness are both leading to Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building. The cornerstone is the […]
seeing the importance of Christ as the stone in many aspects for God’s building

This week we come to a very solid and high topic in the Psalms and in the whole Bible – Christ as the Cornerstone for God’s building (see Psalm 118). Many believers praise Christ as the Lamb of God, being filled with appreciation for what Christ has done for us on the cross for our […]
the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building (Psalm 118)
What does it mean that Christ is the cornerstone in God’s building? In the Psalms we see that Christ is the refuge rock, the blessed Rock, the protecting rock, the higher rock, the unique rock, the strengthening rock, the habitation rock, the unfailing rock, the salvation rock, and the trusting rock! Also, He is nine types of stones: the eternal rock, the foundation stone, the living stone, the cornerstone, the precious stone, the topstone, the cleft rock, the crushing stone, and the stone of stumbling! Specifically, brother Andrew Yu was sharing at least 6 aspects in which Christ being the cornerstone is very significant: [continue reading online the six aspects]