The return of the children of Israel to the good land signs the return of Christians from division to the ground of the church, the ground of oneness, to build up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God. Amen! In His wisdom, God chose one place where to put […]
Christians Returning from Division to the Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness
The Proper Ground of Oneness is the Unique Ground of One Church for one Locality

The unique ground of God’s choice is the proper ground of oneness of His people; in the Old Testament this ground was Jerusalem with Mount Zion where the temple was built, and in the New Testament it is the ground of oneness – the one universal church being expressed in many localities standing on the […]
Enjoying Christ at the Unique Place of God’s Choice for the Keeping of the Oneness

In Deut. 12 we see that the enjoyment of Christ with God has to be at the unique place of God’s choice for the keeping of the oneness of God’s people. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Enjoying Christ with God on the Ground of Oneness. In Deut. […]
Being in the Realm of Oneness by Exercising our Spirit to be Mingled with the Spirit

There’s very much confusion today concerning the church, and it seems that most believers join the church of their preference, since there are so many options out there. But in the beginning, it was not so! We need to return to the Lord’s word in the New Testament and see the basic principle concerning the […]