The all-inclusive Christ is the history of God’s move in man’s history in order to gain the building of God for the manifestation of God; Christ is skillfully working to sovereignly control the world situation in human history to work Himself into us and obtain the church as His masterpiece. Hallelujah! Our God is […]
Christ Controls the World Situation to Work Himself into us and make us His Masterpiece
Signs of the End of this age: Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Israel being Restored

As those who love the Lord and yearn for His return, we need to see the signs of the Lord’s second and imminent coming; the greatest sign at the end of this age is the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, and another sign is the restoration of the nation of Israel. There are […]
The Prophecy of the Lord’s Coming (1) – Young Adults Truth Series 7

In this video, brother Bob Henry takes us through some of the events leading up to the end times and how we as believers can prepare to see the Lord. It is the The Prophecy of the Lord’s Coming (1) – Truth Series #7 via the UniStudents YouTube channel. It is recommended to go through […]
In our Spirit we see that the World Situation is the Indicator of God’s Move on Earth

We need to realize that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth, and we need to be in spirit to receive the divine revelation of what God is doing today so that we may be one with Him in His move. This week in our morning revival we come to the […]
Seeing the Divine History within the Human History with Christ and the Church

It is amazing to see how the Bible reveals the universal history according to God’s economy; what we see in the Bible is not merely human history nor just the divine history, but the divine history within the human history. On the one hand, we need to realize that our God is sovereign, and this […]
Christ with His Overcomers will Crush Human Government and bring in God’s Kingdom

I never thought that the book of Zechariah would be so rich and so profound, showing us the way the fulfill God’s economy and to build up the church. But praise the Lord for the ministry of the age which opens up the Bible and brings to light the mysterious and wonderful things in the […]
Being Victorious over the Seduction of Idol Worship and Any Spiritual Blindness

In each of the first six chapters of Daniel, we see an aspect of how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan and his stratagems. In the first chapter, we see that Daniel and his companions were victorious over the demonic diet, choosing rather to eat food according to the Word of God – and […]