Willing to be Humbled under the Mighty Hand of God and standing in the True Grace of God

 God gives grace to the humble but He resists the proud, so we need to guard ourselves with humility toward one another and be willing to be humbled under the mighty hand of God, and we need to enjoy the God of all grace, the true grace of God in which we enter and […]

Inheriting the Grace of Life and being Good Stewards of the Varied Grace of God

 The grace of life is the inheritance of all the believers, whether strong or weak, for we are vessels to contain God as grace; as we enjoy grace, we become stewards of the varied grace of God, ministering the varied grace to others and receiving their portion of grace. Grace is the processed Triune […]

When we are Mistreated because of a Consciousness of God, we have Grace with God

 As we enjoy God as grace, He becomes our inward motivation and outward expression in our intimate fellowship with God and our consciousness of God, and we have grace with God, for even when we suffer unjustly, grace is expressed through us. Amen! Grace is not only the Triune God being processed and consummated […]

Set our Hope Perfectly on the Grace brought to us at the Revelation of Jesus Christ

 We need to set our hope perfectly on the grace being brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ; this grace refers to the salvation of the soul as the consummation of God’s full salvation. It is amazing to see, explore, and realize the grace of God in the economy of God. Grace […]

Christ came as the Unlimited Grace of God’s Full Salvation for the Salvation of our Soul

 The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied concerning the grace that was to come unto us, speaking of the sufferings and glories of Christ; the salvation they prophesied of was the salvation of our souls for us to enter into the joy of the Lord in the kingdom age. Wow! Grace in Peter’s epistles […]

Grace in Peter’s Epistles: enjoy the Multiplication of Grace by the Word of His grace

 As believers in Christ, we have grace with our spirit, for Christ as the life-giving Spirit is giving Himself freely to us and is everything to us and does everything for us; we daily enjoy the multiplication of grace, for grace is being multiplied to us to be rich, multiplying, and abounding in our […]

The Stewardship of Grace is the Dispensing of God into People to be their Enjoyment

 The stewardship of grace has been entrusted to us for God’s dispensation into man as grace for their enjoyment to produce and build up the church as the Body of Christ. Hallelujah, each one of us has been entrusted with the stewardship of grace, for grace was given “to me for you” so that […]