Our gospel is the gospel of the sonship, which is the seed of David becoming the Son of God; God’s gospel speaks of the process of Christ being designated the firstborn Son of God in resurrection, and we being produced as the many sons of God to build up the Body of Christ. What a […]
God’s Gospel is to Build God into man and man into God to gain a corporate God-man, the Body
Exercising our Spirit to Learn, Experience, and Minister the Full Gospel of God

As believers in Christ, we need to have the same realisation as the Apostle Paul: we were separated unto the gospel of God, and now we are priests of the gospel. The gospel of God is an all-inclusive, complete, full, and high gospel including the entire divine revelation in the New Testament, and when we […]
Preaching the Complete Gospel from Forgiveness of Sins to Living in the Body of Christ

Knowing merely that the gospel is the glad tidings saying that man has to repent and believe in Jesus to be saved from perdition – this is inadequate according to the standard set in the New Testament. The gospel as revealed in the New Testament is not a low or diluted gospel but it is […]
The Gospel includes All the Truths in the Bible: the Entire Bible is the Gospel of God

For the next five weeks or so we are enjoying a topic that is both broad and specific: the Gospel. Many believers know what the gospel is, and many unbelievers think they know what the gospel is. We want to seek the Lord in His word to get a deeper understanding and appreciation of the […]
Serving God in our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son, the Subjective Gospel of Christ

This morning while enjoying the Lord in His word with the help of the ministry of the age I was touched with the fact that our priesthood of the gospel is a matter in our mingled spirit. Paul told us that God is his witness how he serves God as a priest in his spirit […]
Being those Functioning as Priests of the Gospel in the Church as the Body of Christ

The New Testament service ordained by God is that all His believers are priests to God to serve God with the offerings that He desires (Rev. 1:5-6; 5:9-10; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9). Today God does not desire physical sacrifices (such as lambs, bulls, pigeons, etc); He is delighted and satisfied with Christ, and we need […]
The Secret of our Christian Life and the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: Christ in us!

Being a Christian is not adhering to some religious doctrines and set of teachings, neither is it “joining a Christian church” and so now you’re a person who does his best to behave better. Being a Christian is a matter of having Christ dwelling in you. One becomes a Christian when he opens to the […]