Our Priestly Service must Originate from God and be According to His Limitation

As believers in Christ who are part of the holy and royal priesthood, we carry out our priestly service to the Lord; this service must originate from Him as the God of measure, and it must be according to His leading and His limitation. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of life […]

The Cross Leads us to the Body and the Cross Operates in the Sphere of the Body

The cross and the experience of the cross is not an end in itself; the cross leads us to the Body of Christ, the cross operates in the sphere of the Body, and in the Body of Christ we cannot go on without the cross. The cross of Christ and the experience of the cross […]

Taking Care of the Rest in our Spirit to be under God’s Limitation in our Function

Our God is a God of measure, and when it comes to the work for the spreading and building up of the church, we should move and act according to how much God has measured to us, staying within the limits of God’s ruling, God’s limitation and measure. A basic requirement for the Body of […]

working with God within the measure and the limit He has apportioned us

Our God is a God of measure. He doesn’t do things wildly, and He doesn’t increase the work without measure and without limitation. Yes, He can do a lot of things, and He can fill the whole earth, but He has a measure within which He works through man. We need to see that, just […]