This is a sharing by brother Christ Wilde on the matter of the righteousness of God; he normally doesn’t like to volunteer for things, but he had a feeling about this. It was shared during the 2020 COVID19 Pandemic, and it was watched via zoom by hundreds of dear young adults all around the world. […]
The Righteousness of God – Truth Series 4
God’s Building is the Desire of God’s Heart and the Goal of His Salvation

The book of Exodus is a book of pictures, starting from the portrait of life in the world under Satan’s usurpation and ending with God’s building, the goal of God’s salvation. The experiences that the people of Israel went through are a portrait and a type of our own Christian experience, and today we as […]
Seeing the Desire of God’s Heart, the Building of God’s Dwelling Place on Earth

In the book of Exodus we see how God called Moses, prepared him, and sent him to deliver His people from the usurpation and tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt; God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand, bringing them across the Red Sea and into the wilderness so that they […]
God’s Goal is His Building; God’s Building is God’s Thought and Purpose in Exodus

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation as seen in the book of Exodus is God’s building, His dwelling place on earth. The purpose for which God redeemed and saved His people from Pharaoh’s usurpation was so that they would enjoy God’s full salvation and build up His dwelling place. The goal of God taking […]
Seeing how God’s Building is the Goal of His Salvation, Provision, and Revelation

The subject of the book of Exodus is that Christ is the redemption, salvation, and supply of God’s people, and the means for them to worship and serve God so that in Him they may be built up with God together for them and God to meet, communicate, and dwell mutually (see the Holy Bible, […]
We are Called by God through the Gospel to Obtain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ

God has called us through His gospel unto the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 2 Thes. 2:14). Paul didn’t say that through the gospel God wants to save us, deliver us from hell, and bring us to heaven; rather, just as through sin we come short of the glory of […]