We need to keep our being fully open to the Lord to enjoy His dispensing, for God’s complete salvation is for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, as we practice the restriction and limitation in the divine life. This week in our morning revival […]
Receive the Abundance of Grace and be Restricted in the Divine Life to Reign in life
We are Kings in God’s Economy Reigning in Life by Enjoying the Abundance of Grace

The history of the kings of Israel is related to God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church; we as believers in Christ are to be kings reigning in life by enjoying the abundance of grace and by having the top enjoyment of Christ. The Old Testament is a book of pictures, figurative pictures […]
Being Saved in Life to Reign in Life by being under the Ruling of the Divine Life

In His complete salvation, God wants for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21); He doesn’t merely want to save us and bring us into heaven, but for us to reign in life by being under the rule of the divine life daily. […]
God’s Complete Salvation is for Us to Reign in Life by Receiving the Abundance of Grace

In His complete salvation, God intends not only to redeem us from the eternal perdition through His judicial redemption but also that He may fully save us in His life through His organic salvation. In the book of Romans we see this so clearly: God’s complete salvation has two aspects, the judicial aspect (His redemption) […]
the key is reigning in life by being under the ruling of the divine life within
Many times we read portions of the New / Old Testament and we say, just like most of the rest of the people, I can never do this – it is impossible! Or even if we don’t say it, we at least think this – and we know that, at least for a long term […]