The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are a corporate expression of Christ, the One on the throne, living out the life of Christ in a corporate way; they express Christ in His ruling and reigning (the face of a lion), in His serving and sacrificing (the face of an ox), in His being a […]
God’s Life in us Causes us to be Transcendent so that we may Express God Corporately
Being Bold and Victorious like Lions toward sin, and Willing to Serve man like an Ox

The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are the unique and complete expression of Christ; they have the face of a man (a genuine and proper man), of a lion (boldness, vigor, strength, victory, and reigning), of an ox (willing to labor, bear the burden, and sacrifice), and eagle (powerful, buoyant, and transcendent). The appearance […]
Being Proper Human Beings – being Jesusly Human – who live out the Humanity of Jesus

The four living creatures in Ezek. 1 have four faces, but the face in the front is of a man; this indicates that we must have a proper humanity, bearing the appearance of a man, by living out the humanity of Jesus in our daily living. The four living creatures bear the appearance of a […]
The Living Creatures are the means for God’s Manifestation, Move, and Administration

Chapter one of Ezekiel is both deep, profound, and fascinating; the four living creatures, in particular, are very interesting, for with them we see the appearance of a man, and they manifest God’s glory, they are the means for God to move, and they are the means for God to administrate on the throne. The […]
Experiencing the Wind, Cloud, Fire, and Electrum to become the Four Living Creatures

The result of our experiencing God as the storm wind, the brooding cloud, and the consuming fire is that we are becoming His expression – the electrum; furthermore, we are becoming the four living creatures – we become full of life, living, active, coordinated, and much more! This week we will spend some time to […]
a beautiful picture of the coordination we need in the church life

Continuing the thought of Ezek. 1:4-5 (about the Lord as the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum, out of which come the four living creatures), today I enjoyed this beautiful picture of the coordination that we need in the church life. The Four Living Creatures – A Picture of the Coordination The four […]
God’s intention and heart’s desire is fully related to man

Throughout the whole Bible we see that God’s heart’s desire and His intention in His plan, His economy, is related to man. In Genesis 1:26 we see that, according to the council held in the Triune God, man was created according to God’s image and His likeness – and man was intended to have dominion […]