As believers in Christ and as members of the Body of Christ, we are being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus Himself is the cornerstone; Christ is the cornerstone of God’s building to join us together in oneness. Hallelujah! The intrinsic significance of all the materials of God’s […]
Church is Built on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ as the Cornerstone
Drink the Word to Grow and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

If we read John 1:42 and Matt. 16:18 we will realise that both Christ and the believers are living stones for God’s building, and that God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones. Yes, Christ is the living stone, and we are born as men of clay, but through regeneration, […]
Christ is the Tested Foundation Stone and Precious Cornerstone for God’s Building

One of the most crucial matters among all the major items of the Lord’s recovery is Christ – the supreme preciousness of the all-inclusive Christ. God’s focus is on Christ; He doesn’t want us to pay attention to anything or anyone else but Christ, and to God and man Christ is everything. However, we as […]
The Corporate Christ as a Stone Cut Without Hands will Crush the Great Human Image!

These past few days we have been prayerfully studying Daniel 2 and the prophecies concerning the great human image. As frightful as it may be and as great as the human government seems to be today, the destiny of the great human image is to be crushed by a stone cut out without hands (Dan. […]
seeing the importance of Christ as the stone in many aspects for God’s building

This week we come to a very solid and high topic in the Psalms and in the whole Bible – Christ as the Cornerstone for God’s building (see Psalm 118). Many believers praise Christ as the Lamb of God, being filled with appreciation for what Christ has done for us on the cross for our […]
Christ as the Stone-Savior is also the cornerstone to join us and build us up together in God’s building
The stone that the builders rejected – Christ – has become the head of the corner (Psa. 118:22): Christ as the stone rejected and despised by the Jewish builders/people has become the cornerstone to join together the Jews and the Gentiles into one Body, the Body of Christ! Actually, the “head of the corner” can […]
We do not have to be in haste because we have Christ as a tested stone to be our foundation!

Hallelujah, Christ has been set by God as a foundation stone, a tested stone, for the house of God! This morning we were enjoying the verse in Isaiah 28:16 which says, … Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; he who […]