In order for the Lord to gain His army today to fight for His interest and protect His testimony, there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity, so we need to grow in life unto maturity. In the Lord’s recovery today there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity required for the formation […]
Our Urgent need is to Grow in Life unto Maturity for the Formation of God’s Army
Ten Major Items on how to Possess the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land

Hallelujah, we can possess the all-inclusive Christ as typified by the good land! This week in our morning revival we come back to the Crystallization-Study of Numbers, the second part, and our focus is, A vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His chosen […]
In gaining a Fighting Army God wants a Corporate Man to Subdue and Regain the Earth

In the forming of the house of Israel into a fighting army we see the principle revealed in Gen. 1:26-28, that is, that God desires a corporate man to represent Him in subduing and regaining the earth from the usurping hand of Satan. The book of Numbers show us how God’s people were formed into […]
Being Formed into an Army to Fight for the Protection of God’s Testimony on Earth

The book of Numbers records how God’s chosen and redeemed people were formed into an army – a priestly army – to journey with God and fight with God for His interest on earth (see Num. 1:1-4:49; 9:15-10:36; 12:16; 20:1-21:35; 31:1-54; 33:1-49). In ch. 1 of Numbers there’s a numbering of the people for the […]
Numbers is a Book of Victory and Glory: God is Forming an Army to Fight for His Interest

This week we come to the first part of the Crystallisation-Study of Numbers, and the title is simply, Being Formed into an Army to Fight with God for His Interest on Earth. Today we want to see that the book of Numbers doesn’t speak merely of the wanderings and repeated failures of the children of Israel, […]
Growing in Life unto Maturity to be Formed as an Army to Fight the Spiritual Warfare

As believers in Christ we love God, pursue Him, seek to know Him, desire to experience Him in a deeper way, and care more for His interests than for our need. The more time we spend with God, the more we enjoy and experience Christ as the reality of all the furnishings in the tabernacle, […]
At the Incense Altar we Pray for the Formation of an Army to Fight for God’s Interest

There is a spiritual relationship between the incense altar (Exo. 30:1-10) and the formation of an army (vv. 11-16). Actually, all throughout Exodus we see that God considers His people as “His armies”: He said He will bring them out according to their armies (Exo. 6:26), and “bring forth My armies, my people” (7:4), “On this […]