The Gospel of John, which is a book on the subjective truths, reveals that we should have subjective experiences of Christ; in this Gospel, we see so many ways for us to have the subjective experience of Christ as life. This gospel is not on objective truths that have nothing to do with our daily […]
Having the Subjective Experience of Christ as Life for the Building up of the Body of Christ
Fellowship is the Flow of the Divine Life within and among us, the Circulation in the Body

We need to see and enter into the intrinsic fellowship of the churches, which is the flow of the eternal life within, through, and among all the members of the Body of Christ, the circulation in the Body of Christ. This week in our morning revival we come to the main topic of, The Intrinsic […]
The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (1) – Truth Series 2

The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (1) – This is the second portion of the Young Adults Truth series, given during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and the lockdown that ensued. Praise the Lord, even during such a time, we can fellowship together, we can be under the Lord’s speaking, and we can be infused with […]
We need to Keep Ourselves in the unique Flow of God, the Stream of the Lord’s Work

In the Scriptures the concept of the divine stream, the unique flow, is crucial, for the unique stream of the Lord’s work from the throne of God flows throughout the ages unhindered. This week, our concluding week on the matter of the propagating of the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the […]
God is a Fountain of Living Waters Flowing Into Us and With Us Into the New Jerusalem

God’s intention in His economy is to be the fountain of living waters to His people so that He may gain an increase, a counterpart – the church! In both the Old and the New Testament we see how God wants His people to drink of Him and be immersed into Him so that He […]
12 Items Related to the Fellowship Being the Flow of the Divine Life in us

Just as blood is indispensable for our human life so fellowship is vitally important for our spiritual life. Fellowship is the flow of the eternal life into us and through us into others. The divine life which we have received through regeneration is the flowing Triune God, and we need to daily keep ourselves in […]
Ministering as a Priest by Coming to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

How can we minister as a priest of God today? The way is clearly shown in Heb. 4:16 and Rev. 22:1 – we need to come forward to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help! In Revelation we see that out of the throne of God and of the […]